Anatomy of a graphics driver bug

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Filed under debugging opengl x-plane

X-Plane’s plugin systems allows authors to load models in two ways: Asynchronously and Synchronously. Most plugins tend to use synchronous loading, but since all plugins run on the main thread there is a need and desire for some to use asynchronous loading. Up until now, the latter was broken however, and plugin authors complained about invisible models. From what I understand Pilot Edge were the first to complain, but they want to use async loading to dynamically load in models of planes that flew in via multiplayer, which makes it non-trivial to debug. Luckily, the author of the fantastic Better Pushback also ran into the issue and his plugin is completely local, so it’s no problem to stop at a debugger for any amount of time without being worried a multiplayer socket closes and the whole setup has to be recreated.

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