Pebble Blueprint

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Guys, guys, guys… I have been working on a project for a couple of weekends now and to make a long story short it’s a watchface and watchapp generator for the Pebble Time for iOS. The basic idea is that it allows putting watchfaces/watchapps together easily and then deploying them on the Pebble that is attached to the iOS device.

Here is a video of the whole thing in action, note that the iPad simulator uses US keyboard layout and I only have my German one, so, yeah, you can watch me stumble over the keyboard quite a bit at times:

Also, my Pebble Time arrived yesterday and this is how it looks like in real life:

Pebble Blueprint and Pebble

Took quite a bit to get a working LLVM/Clang cross compiler ready, but it basically is completely working now. Needs a ton of polish obviously, but I think for a weekend project this is quite cool. The only real big thing missing right now is an action system a la RPG Maker to allow some more customization than just the expression system.